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Weight Management
Apple Coffee Cake
This cake gets its moistness from the apples and raisins, so it needs little oil.
Individual Fruit Cup Dessert
Your children can help you make this easy dessert that's colorful and good for them to eat. Have all of your supplies and ingredients ready before you begin.
Baked Stuffed Apples
Serve the apples hot, at room temperature, or chilled, with the leftover liquid from the dish spooned over them.
Drop Cookies
Cut back on the sugar in these butter cookies by using a nonnutritive sweetener.
Individual Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate fountains might be all the rage in party equipment, but you don't need one to dip fruit, pretzels, or cookies into melted chocolate. You don't even need a fondue pot. Here's a simple recipe to make at home.
Cherry Nut Bark
Melt chocolate pieces in the microwave, then top with dried cherries and chopped pecans.
Tropical Fruits Fantasia/ Fantasía de frutas tropicales
The tropics offer a great variety of fruits that will make this delicious and colorful recipe stand out. It will also make your mouth water even before tasting it!
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