Whether it's fats, fish or fruit, check out the latest data from the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) on the nutritional value of commonly used foods. Use this easy tool to find out
how the foods you eat stack up in terms of calories, fat, protein, cholesterol, sodium, fiber, and
To search the database, enter a search term, choose a category, or both. For example, in Enter
a search phrase, search for a type of food like "cereal" or try a brand name such as "Cheerios"
or "Fruit Loops". In View an entire category, select "Grain Products" to see all the items
in the "grains" category. Or do a combination search by entering a term such as "milk" and choosing
the "Beverage" category to see just the beverage items that contain milk.
For more information from the USDA, click here.