Atopic Dermatitis Quiz
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, inherited skin condition that affects millions of Americans. The following quiz offers helpful facts about the condition.
Blood Pressure Quiz
Do you know your risk factors for high blood pressure? You can’t do anything about some risk factors. But other risk factors can be changed. Learn about the risk factors for high blood pressure by taking this quiz.
Botulism Quiz
Botulism is rare, but extremely dangerous. This quiz will help you learn how to make sure the food you eat is safe.
Calcium Quiz
True or false: If you don't get enough calcium in your diet, your body will take the calcium it needs from your bones.
Cholesterol Quiz
An excess of cholesterol can build up in the arteries, narrowing them and slowing or blocking blood flow to the heart. Take this quiz to learn more about cholesterol and its role in your health.
Diabetes: Test Your Knowledge
If you have diabetes, keeping your condition under control early on will help you avoid complications that may come up later. This multiple-choice quiz will help you with important answers now.
Dietary Fiber Quiz
You hear a lot about fiber and why you need it. But what is it? Learn more about this important part of your diet by taking this quiz.
Dietary Guidelines Quiz
Find out how much you know about the newest dietary guidelines and how they differ from the old food pyramid.
Dietary Supplement Quiz
Many Americans take vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements every day without knowing enough to ensure optimum results.
Digestive System Quiz
What happens to that cheeseburger and fries you had for lunch? During the digestive process, food is converted into energy that's used by your body. Take this quiz to see how much you know about how digestion works.
Drinking Water Quiz
When you're thirsty for a drink of water, you probably turn on the tap, or open a container of bottled water.
You may take for granted the quality of the water you drink. but water safety can vary from place to place. Find out more about drinking water by taking this quiz, based on information from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Fats in Foods Quiz
How much do you really know about those fat globules lurking in your food? Take this quiz and find out.
'My Plate' Quiz
How many cups of vegetables should you eat each day? How about milk? Meat? The My Plate eating plan can help you find out.
Food Quiz
Answer this one: Which ethnic food offers healthy, low-fat choices?
Food Safety Quiz
Each year, millions of Americans become ill from foodborne illnesses and thousands die. To help prevent foodborne illness, you can take steps to ensure the safety of the food you eat. To learn more about food safety, take this quiz.
Healthy Pregnancy Quiz
Test your knowledge of which behaviors are most helpful and harmful to your developing baby.
Healthy Snacks Quiz
Don’t feel guilty about snacking! Eating small, frequent meals can help you control your weight and stay fueled throughout the day. Just make sure your snacks—and those you serve your kids—are nutritious.
Herb and Spice Quiz
True or false: When I use herbs and spices, I don’t need to worry about following strict rules about combining certain herbs and spices with certain foods.
Miracle Diet Quiz
Dieting is temporary when it comes to losing weight. To keep weight off you actually have to change your lifestyle. Why is it so hard? For one thing, we may not know as much as we think. Take our quiz to test your knowledge.
Nutrition and Cancer Quiz
True or false: Studies suggest that people who consume lots of antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids) from food sources have a lower cancer risk.
Nutrition Quiz for Seniors
Eating a healthy diet is essential for people of every age. But as you age, doing so is especially important. To assess how much you know about good nutrition, take this quiz.
Organic Foods Quiz
Organic ingredients are grown and processed without artificial additives and used in a wide variety of products. Find out more about organic foods by taking this quiz.
Holiday Sweets and Treats Quiz
If you want to eat healthy, is it necessary to cut out all those tempting treats and snacks? Take this quiz to find out.
Trans Fat Facts and Fiction
Think all fats are alike? Think again. Take this quiz to learn about trans fats and their impact on your health.
Vitamins Quiz
Sometimes it's hard to keep your vitamin facts straight. How much vitamin A do you need? What's the best source of Vitamin C? Here's a quiz that offers a chance to learn something different about vitamins.