Cost of Smoking Calculator
There isn't much good that can be said about smoking. Now, on a positive note, do you know how much money you can save if you quit smoking today?
Smoking is the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a serious, debilitating and often fatal illness. Take this quiz to find out more about COPD and how to prevent it.
Emphysema Quiz
The main symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath, which is caused by permanent damage to the small air sacs and small airways in the lungs.
Flu Quiz
Take a look at the influenza virus under a microscope, and you'll see a funny-looking spiked ball. But if you've ever been flat on your back with the flu, you know there's nothing funny about this highly contagious virus. Test your savvy by taking this quiz.
Nicotine Quiz
Nicotine, one of the main chemicals in tobacco, is the primary reason that smoking is so addictive. Even though most smokers know that smoking is bad for them, they find it difficult to quit because of the nicotine's effect.
Pneumonia Vaccine Quiz
Bacterial pneumonia kills thousands of older Americans each year. Yet there is a vaccine that offers protection against
this deadly illness. How much do you know about pneumonia and the vaccine?
Quitting Smoking Quiz
No matter what your age, or how long you have smoked, giving up cigarettes is the ticket to a longer life. Find out more about the benefits of quitting by taking this quiz.